First Love Church began in Ocala in November of 2000. We envisioned living out together the way of Jesus right here in Ocala. We started by loving our neighbors in whatever simple ways Spirit would lead us to imagine. As a result, because of our outreaches, there are fewer hungry people in our city. There are prisoners who have real hope and skills to make different choices. There are children in other countries who now have a safe place to sleep. Locally there are families who have experienced genuine transformation, as we live the practices of Jesus, in faithfully loving God and our neighbor.
First Love Church exists because its people serve one another. Following the example and call of Jesus, volunteers come not to be served, but to serve. We would love to help you find your place with us. Below are some of the ways you can get involved in the nuts and bolts of our community at First Love.
Local Outreach
God is forming a family out of strangers, dreamers and misfits. In this community we love, serve and become. We practice loving our neighbors by faithfully giving food resources to our most vulnerable members of our community. Join us as we do our part to end hunger in our city. Lend your strength to our monthly food outreach. Contact us for dates.
Social Justice
First Love Church is a place to ask honest questions and get honest answers, equipping followers of the way to know, love, and serve God and ALL the people that God loves. We look for ways to partner with organizations seeking long-term solutions to poverty. We believe that the local church is the best agent of long-term change. Ask us about ways you can join us in realizing His kingdom come in Ocala as it is in heaven.
Global Outreach
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. John 3:16-17
God’s love for the whole world challenges and compels us to serve our neighbors globally. First Love Church supports projects overseas that endeavor to make tangible impacts in relieving the impacts of poverty. Join us in giving financially to fund our love for the world.
You can speak with us in person after a service, or contact us and let us know how we can assist in making a connection.
We invite you to join us as we love the world.
More Details
Love serves. As followers of Jesus we are compelled to prove our Love to our Ocala neighbors, including those who are experiencing Homelessness. Our Weekly Outreaches include our participation in Providing Hot meals and Delivering Food, and basic necessities to the under-resourced in the city of Ocala.
How This Works. When neighbors are in need they may not have the ability to come to us. So our responsibility is to bring the help directly to them. For the past 21 years, our church community has provided resources directly to the individuals in need.
Ocala Outreach

For over 20 years we have committed our time and resources to loving our Ocala neighbors. We have faithfully brought food and other essentials to Harveys Fellowship of Homes, a 55+ community. Our continued serving of these neighbors has led to beautiful friendships and has made a lasting impact on our community. Our care for vulnerable elderly neighbors is an essential part of our mission for loving our city.
What WE ARe Doing.
We gather resources, food a mixture of fresh and stable pantry items, clothing, and personal hygiene essentials from other non-profits and from generous individuals who are committed to the same good works that we are.
How WE Do It.
Our members and volunteers carefully sort and pack boxes and bags of food and necessities, and other items, based on donations. We then load our trucks and deliver them to our neighbors in need.

We Believe that God’s Family is Global, our love and Generous Faith Practices Extend to our Neighbors around the world.
How We Do That. We share our resources with organizations that are helping and working in their communities. We have and continue to partner with organizations such as Compassion, Love Does, World Vision, and other great organizations doing good work for our world.