Transfiguration Sunday 2/16/2024

As the veil thins between the divine and the every day, we find ourselves on the cusp of Lent, a season ripe with potential for transformation. Imagine shedding the weight of shame and negativity, the way one might peel away layers of old paint, to reveal the original masterpiece beneath—that is the invitation of this episode. Through a tapestry of stories and reflections, from the awe-inspiring Transfiguration of Jesus to the simple yet profound lessons gleaned from a child's empathy at Disney World. We're not just talking about abstaining from chocolate or social media for Lent; we're discussing the release of those habits that no longer serve us, making space for a deeper communion with the divine.

Have you ever wondered what it truly means to listen—to God, to the world, to your own heart? This episode is a symphony of such inquiries, where the biblical moment of Transfiguration harmonizes with the Beatles' seismic impact on music, teaching us the value of discerning the divine inspiration in human creativity. It's a journey through which we confront our impulse to react out of fear, and instead, learn to respond with understanding and compassion. As we explore these narratives, you'll discover how embracing stillness during Lent can amplify the voice of God within you, and how aligning our prayers with Jesus's intercession can bring unparalleled comfort and guidance.

Finally, we traverse the poignant themes of mortality, love, and resurrection. By sharing tales of personal detachment and the liberating act of letting go, I offer a fresh perspective on confronting our ego-driven desires and past attachments. We'll talk about what it means to embrace death in various forms, not as an end, but as a door to resurrection and rebirth within our very souls. With ashes upon our foreheads, we'll remember that through love's ultimate victory, we find the hope that sustains us. Join us on this path of self-discovery and spiritual renewal, where each step leads us closer to wholeness and reconciliation through the love of Christ.

In the service of LOVE,

Pastors Dennis and Heather Drake


Practicing Your Innocence 1/15/2024


What If LOVE Got The Last Word? 3/10/2014