Thriving In Divine Love 2/26/2024

Imagine uncovering the profound truth that you were not only created out of love but also designed to thrive in it—this revelation is what we unpack at First Love Church. As we navigate heartfelt discussions on divine love, our congregation's spirit radiates warmth and acceptance, reinforcing the belief in our inherent worth. Join us in reflecting on the sacredness of small gestures, like caring for a tiny rejected goat, which reminded us that acts of kindness are the truest form of worship. We intertwine these tender narratives with an open invitation to join hands with us in community outreach, celebrating Pastor Lee's birthday, and embracing the joys and challenges of fellowship.

As we embark on a collective Lenten journey, we challenge the conventional notions of fasting, advocating instead for a radical, compassionate practice that aligns with the suffering of others. Through stories that resonate with our deepest yearnings for peace, we exhort our listeners to become harbingers of harmony, transforming prayer into palpable action. We also delve into the profound themes of resurrection and endurance, discussing how our foresight of Jesus' story can inspire hope and encourage us to carry our crosses with grace, be they in the form of activism or self-preservative withdrawal from harm.

This week's episode culminates with an exploration of surrender—not to defeat but to all-encompassing love. By discussing the biblical wilderness as a backdrop for personal transformation and divine intimacy, we invite you to experience a renewed understanding of God's love. Our discussions serve as a gentle reminder that in the act of letting go, we find the true strength and hope that guides us through life's complexities. Remember, if you're seeking to deepen your engagement with these transformative ideas, First Love Church's online resources are just a click away.

This podcast is made possible, thanks to the generosity of our donors.

In the service of LOVE,
Pastors Dennis and Heather Drake


Practicing Your Innocence 1/15/2024