Practicing Your Innocence 1/15/2024

This morning our conversation orbits around the often-overlooked spiritual practice of rekindling our awareness of love's persistent presence. We navigate the transformative power of Epiphany, Together, we consider how the light of Christ beckons us towards living renewed with hope and a sense of beloved identity.

Through heartfelt narratives, we contemplate the profound impact of forgiveness and the practice of viewing others through a lens of innocence, mirroring Jesus' grace. We discuss how to shift our perspective away from shame, and towards one that welcomes with open arms, drawing parallels to biblical stories like the disciple Nathanael's encounter with Jesus, and the powerful transformation that can occur when we truly follow His path. It's an invitation to see the world and its inhabitants with fresh eyes, recognizing adversaries as brothers in disguise and extending the epiphany of belovedness outward.

Lastly, we explore the awe-striking process of spiritual awakening with the help of personal stories, including that of a close friend whose near-death experience led him to a life of healing others as a physician. These narratives serve as a catalyst for our own encounters with God, encouraging us to share our transformative experiences—our "limps"—as living testimonies of faith. So, as you tune in, let these shared journeys inspire hope and guide you toward embracing your true purpose, holding fast to the divine guidance that shapes our paths.

In the service of LOVE,
Pastors Dennis and Heather Drake


Thriving In Divine Love 2/26/2024


Transfiguration Sunday 2/16/2024