May Your Kingdom come may Your will be done in Ocala as it is in heaven. We want people to encounter the good news of God’s scandalous love for humanity. Our Church seeks to create expressions of worship that become tangible encounters with God.

“Following Jesus is about more than going to church on Sundays, it’s an entire way of living. We are committed to learning spiritual practices that we believe God will use to shape us into the loving people we were meant to be. ”
Giving Online
At the very heart of the Gospel is a God who demonstrates radical generosity.

The role of Bible teaching in our community is to form and shape our lives into part of the larger story God is telling. We work hard to translate the scriptures from their first century setting to help you make sense of how to follow the Jesus way in your family and community.

We began in Ocala in November 2000, we envisioned living out together the way of Jesus right here in our city. We started by loving our neighbors in whatever simple ways Spirit would lead us to imagine. As a result, because of our outreaches there are less hungry people in our city.

Have questions? Want to know more about us? You can get in touch and a real live person will get back to you.